In this tutorial we’re going to show you how to make a paper lantern from eleven pentagons to lighten up your home in the dark season.This lantern is so special because, when lit, every pentagon will show a five-pointed star. This is due to the way the pentagons are glued together.
You will need:
- 11 Pentagons (Printing Template available HERE, you will need to print two copies of that page)
- a ruler
- scissors
- a pen
- a glue stick
- vegetable oil
- old paintbrush
Cut out the pentagons from the template (or construct them yourself using ruler and compass). Color them if you like, then, on the backside, mark the middle of each side an connect the points, creating a smaller pentagon. Crease along the lines. Using the paintbrush, oil all your pentagons except for the bottom piece. Allow the units to dry, before sticking the pentagon together, lining up the creases (See video). Lastly, glue the flaps at the top down the inside of the lantern. Put a lighted candle inside, sit back and enjoy!