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Collecting Freshwater Shells at the Elbe River, Hamburg

The Elbe is one of Germany’s largest rivers. It rises in the northern Czech Republic, and flows through many large german cities including Dresden and Hamburg, before flowing into the North Sea in Cuxhaven, 110 km north of Hamburg. In the quick travel vlog below (taken this time last year, and now finally uploaded) you can see what the Elbe looks like in Hamburg, where it’s (now) wide and deep enough for container ships to pass through. With the ships growing in size, the Elbe has been excavated several times, to allow the bigger container ships in to the port of Hamburg. One of my favourite features of the Elbe are the pretty freshwater shells being washed up to the banks, that have a very pretty purple mother of pearl interior. I’m going to use those for jewellery, a tutorial for that will be up here and on my Youtube channel in the future.


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